Balance Bike times 6:15 to 6:30 and again 7:00 to 7:15.  Cost is FREE for balance bikes.

Beginner riders who are "not" comfortable coming out of the gate are to come at the same time as the Balance Bike Riders

Regular gate practice is 6:30 to 8:00.   $2 per rider.

WRIST BANDS ARE REQUIRED TO BE WORN BY "ALL RIDERS" WHO WISH TO PRACTICE.  They will be given to you when registering.

RACE - THURSDAY, May 10, Registration 6pm to 7pm

$5 class /cruiser, $2 balance bike, $2 open

Lightning Open - $2 per rider

SPONSOR:  Polito's Pizza

RACE - SUNDAY, May 13, Registration 10:30 to Noon

$10 class/cruiser, $2 balance bike, $2 open

SPONSOR:  Hollyrocks, LLC