Horseheads BMX is please to invite you to become a community supporter for the Horseheads BMX track and the Horseheads BMX group of race teams. Horseheads BMX hosts family-orientated race, practice, and coaching events at the Holding Point Recreation Complex in Horseheads 2-3 times a week from April through October and participates in many other local community events (Parades, Easter Egg Hunt, Community Days, etc) throughout the year. In addition to the immense local exposure, the BMX team riders travel and participate at various BMX tracks across NY and the US.

We would like your organizations participation in this fun and exciting community experience. We offer several sponsorship opportunities for the 2019 season and beyond. Your sponsorship comes with numerous opportunities for exposure on team rider jerseys, literature, social media, and much more.

Please contact us by phone or email for further information, and to make arrangements for your participation in this exciting and rewarding community opportunity.


Gary Bleil
