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8145 Forest Hill Blvd
West Palm Beach FL 33413
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Track Operator:
Okeeheelee BMX

Christopher Zitelli
Matthew Haas
Juan Carlos Carbo

Track Image

Okeeheelee BMX News

Nominations are right around the Corner


It's Election Time! 

Each year, members of the Okeeheelee BMX Parents Council Board of Directors (The Board) are elected by the Parent Council according to our Bi-laws.  Now is your opportunity to become directly involved with the Okeeheelee BMX decision making process.   A Parent’s Council Meeting is scheduled Tuesday October 16th at which time nominations for 2019 Board of Directors will be taken.

The basic standard for serving on the Board is volunteerism.  The Parent's Council has set minimum requirements for nomination to the Board. 

  1. Nominees must be at least 18 years of age
  2. Nominees must have volunteered at the track during practice or race a minimum of 20 times or donate 20 hours of service time to the track during the previous 12 months
  3. No two people from the same family shall run for any two positions in any given year.  
  4. The offices of President, Track Operator and Treasurer require previous Board experience

Okeeheelee BMX is run completely by volunteers.  Most of the volunteer force comes from the Board.  If you accept a nomination for a Board position, please consider the following:

  • The Board positions are not prestigious positions.
  • The term is one year.  January 1st to December 31st.
  • We need your continued volunteerism to help to carry on the success of our racing program.
  • You are committing to helping, in whatever capacity, during hosted events including: racing, practicing or special events
  • You are committed to attending Board meetings once a month.  (Typically held the second Wednesday of the month @7:00 pm)  All members have a equal say in Board actvities.  Each member is entitiled to vote on issues brought before the Board
  • Your only agenda is to help make Okeeheelee BMX a better place for everyone
  • You are not compensated monetarily for any position. 
  • Your compensation comes in the form of being able to participate directly and mold the future of racing at Okeeheelee BMX.
  • You will be given a free practice card for volunteering and access to reduced track rental fees
  • Please don't accept a nomination if you are not committed to the above ideals.



Is responsible for all aspects of track operation: scheduling and promoting races, track construction and maintenance, track grooming and repair before and during a race.  The Track Director is the liason between Okeeheelee BMX and USA BMX  -Must have prior Board experience to run for this position. 


Shall assist the Track Director and assume all responsibility of the Track Director in the Track Director’s absence.


Shall preside over meetings and oversee Parents’ Council functions as well as oversee the business operations of Okeeheelee BMX Parents Council Inc..  Must have prior Board experience to be eligible to run for this position. 


Shall assist the President and assume all responsibility of the President in the President’s absence. 


Shall keep accurate records, roll call, and minutes of all Board and Parent Council Meetings. 


Shall keep accurate records of all monies and financial transactions.  Must demonstrate competency in accounting and bookkeeping skills. Should have a working knowledge of the current bookkeeping software (Quickbooks).  Accounting entries will be made in a timely fashion and monthly report will be presented at Board Meetings. Must have prior Board experience to be eligible to run for this position.


Responsible for all of the track’s race day administrative needs including: registration of riders, posting of motos, score keeping and submission of Track Operator Reporting Forms (TORF) within 48 hours of the event. The Clerk of Course will act as, or appoint, the  Head scorekeeper.  The Head Scorekeeper will have the final say on any scoring discrepancy.


Shall assist the Clerk of Course and assume all responsibility of the Clerk of Course in the Clerk of Course’s absence. 


Must be intimately familiar with the current rulebook of USA BMX. A copy of the USA BMX Rulebook (current year) will be provided by the track. Head Official is responsible for directing and controlling the actual race and staffing of officials and keeping a log of Race Volunteers.  Any track official may make an initial call for an on-track violation; however, it is the responsibility of the Head Official to make the final determination.


Must be intimately familiar with the current rulebook of USA BMX. A copy of the USA BMX Rulebook (current year) will be provided by the track. Shall assist the Head Official and assume all responsibility of the Head Official in the Head Official’s absence. 


Will act to promote Okeeheelee BMX Track. Will disseminate information regarding track activities or announcements via the track’s website, or other social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)


Committees are formed from the Members-at-Large which may include: Concession Manager, Hospitality Chair, Membership Chair, Awards Chairman or other as designated by the President.           

Four Member-at-Large positions are elected one of which is to be licensed by USA BMX



October – Nominations

November- Elections

December- New Board Members sit in Board meeting withhold members

January- New Board Takes over.
