Hi Everyone, 


We hope you are all well and staying safe.  We want to give all of our Stouffville BMX family a little update as to what our plans are for the upcoming season.  As you know, this pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty with it, including shutdowns, and events getting cancelled or pushed back. The Ontario Government has extended the current lockdown until June 2nd. We are hoping at that time we can get back to some BMX!


BMX can be done safely and we proved that in 2020 so as soon as we have the green light we will be up and running.


Unfortunately, due to the present circumstances, we will be postponing our Learn to BMX clinics in May. We are working on a new schedule for June and we will announce the dates shortly. Those people registered will keep their spot in the program.


We will continue to keep everyone updated as more information unfolds. 


Stay safe and we cant wait to see everyone in June.


Bring on Summer !


SBMX Board of Directors