We're excited to get back to our local Wednesday night racing, open to all ages, all levels. You must have a valid BMX Canada license in place to participate. Please bring your BMX Canada plastic card with you or if you have recently signed up, please bring your receipt showing proof of membership.
TIME5:30-6:30PM On-Site Registration and Pre-Race Practice
(Once registration is closed at 6:30pm, motos will be posted and racing starts ASAP. Striders will race first. Track volunteers will be available to assist those new to racing with reading motosheets and what to do!)
RACE FEE: $12 (cash is appreciated, but we also take credit/debit card payment via Square at the track)
PLATES: Please come to the track prepared with your District Number on your plate. Your District number is based on your finish in 2020 and can be viewed on the USABMX website if you are unsure (link attached for ON01 Boys class).
For New Riders, your plate number will be the last 3 digits of your new serial number.
We have a few blank SBMX plates with velcro for purchase ($20 small, $22 large), plus vinyl numbers for $1 ea. Please ask at the Registration trailer.
We have limited supply of paper race plates available to give out so we encourage you to get a proper plate in place for the season now.
  • We will continue to operate with our Covid protocols including 1:1 Rider:Parent (Spectator) ratio, and maintaining appropriate physical distancing while on premises and while in line to register.
  • No parents or spectators will be allowed inside the track fence during practice or racing. Only track volunteers and riders. Exception on race nights: parents of those riders 5 and under will be permitted at the gate to assist holding their rider's back wheel, 1 parent per strider will be permitted on the track to assist.
  • All Riders must enter the track area with their helmet and gear on, and keep it on until they exit the track
  • For the safety of our riders and track volunteers, there will be no stopping or congregating on the track turns, or in the gate area. Only the gate operator is permitted in the gate hut.
  • If you have rented a bike or helmet, please allow our track volunteers to assist you
  • For further questions or information, please email us at stouffvillebmx@hotmail.com
Let's get ready to race!