Lone Star BMX District: TX06


3950 Eisenhauer Rd
San Antonio, Tx 78218

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Contact Information

  • Email: lonestarbmxsa@gmail.com
  • Primary Contact: Amber Sterriker (512-590-5611)

Our mission is to introduce bicycle motorcross (BMX) to families in San Antonio and the surrounding area. In addition, our goal is to teach riders determination, sportsmanship, and valuable skills that can be carried beyond the BMX track.


Address: 3950 Eisenhauer Rd. San Antonio TX (please note, we have relocated from the Old Blanco Rd location!!)

Races: "Total Point" Thursdays: signups 6-7 PM with racing to follow, and Saturday Racing (check facebook or instagram for time), cost is $15 to race, $8 to practice only during sign-ups

Practice: Tuesdays from 6-8 PM cost is $8.

Please check instagram and facebook for most current racing and practice schedule, thank you..

Let's Stay in Touch! Join our mailing list!

Special Covid-19 Update: 

Lone Star BMX COVID-19 Operation Plan  


Lone Star BMX will implement a variety of procedures to promote social distancing and keep common areas sanitized. The facility will have a staff volunteer during race nights dedicated to ensuring attendees are practicing social distancing protocols. The following protocols will be in effect until further direction is given by local jurisdiction. Protocols may be further enhanced to ensure the safety of the public and volunteers.

General Precautionary Measures

Lone Star BMX will be implementing several precautionary measures based on the recommendations of the WHO, CDC, state, county and local authorities.

  • Limited Spectators: Encouraging only one (1) spectator per participant to attend our racing venue. If multiple family members must attend we will encourage others to remain in their vehicle.
  • Social Distancing Measures: In addition to limiting the spectators congregating around the field of play, the facility will have ample signage promoting social distancing. Bleachers will be clearly labeled and marked to ensure distancing.
  • Disinfecting Procedures, Hand washing & Sanitizing: Rigorous cleaning and sanitation measures will be implemented to promote a clean and healthy environment. Additionally, we will encourage additional hand washing with our restrooms on-site, which will be serviced and disinfected prior to every event.
  • Event Staff PPE: All event staff will be provided with masks, gloves and wipes.

Sport Specific Precautionary Measures


Lone Star BMX has carefully identified areas within the event that need improved structure to maximize social distance. This list is meant to serve as a guideline and will be our best practices. We will make changes if necessary to ensure for the safety and well being of our riders and spectators.

  • Contactless Registration: To limit the interaction Lone Star BMX will offer and encourage a cashless, contactless transaction utilizing a cash transfer app such as Signup Genius, Venmo, Paypal, or Square with online web access prior to the race event. This will nearly eliminate interaction for registration.
  •  Customer Service: There will be times when an attendee needs to communicate to staff. This will occur in open air. Furthermore, as more than one attendee may be in line for customer service, social distancing signage will be affixed to the ground, clearly labeling an excess of 6 feet between attendees.
  • Moto Sheet: Moto Sheets outline the day's events and inform the participants of their groupings. The posting of these sheets traditionally creates a gathering of participants. To mitigate this Moto Sheets will not be posted, rather published online.
  • Staging: Prior to each race a rider must stage into the proper age category. We will eliminate parents from this area and only allow the assistance of riders under the age of 8.
  • Attendance Restrictions: Riders and attendees will only be permitted if registering to race, there will be no practice on race-day for those not racing.
  • Equipment: Loaner helmets will not be available thus eliminating the possibility for any shared equipment. Loaner bikes will be sanitized and used by one person per session. 
  • Awards: At the conclusion of the racing event, awards will be given before riders exit the track area. We will ask that once the racer has collected their award they exit the facility as expeditiously as possible.





We're excited you want to ride with us! If you are a new rider, welcome to the family! If you are experienced, we are glad to have you back. Please select below:
Purchasing of New Memberships is temporarily disabled. Please contact us for more info.

Step 1 / 6

To create or renew your membership, please sign in to your account or create a new account. If you are purchasing a membership for someone under the age of 18 please create an account for yourself first.

Eye-password-icon@2x Eye-invisible-outlined@2x

OR Forgot Your Password?
Forgot your password? Put in your email address here and we’ll email you a link to change your password.

An email from no-reply@bmx.com containing instructions to reset your password has been emailed to you.

If you’re having trouble finding your email, try checking your Spam folder.

Step 1 / 6

If you are purchasing this membership for someone under the age of 18, you must first create an account for yourself in order to enter payment options and sign safety wavers.

Birthdate must be a past date.

Step 1 / 6

Password must be at least 8 characters.
Check all that apply.

Step 1 / 6

Password must be at least 8 characters.

Check all that apply:

In order to comply with COPPA standards, and for your safety, riders under the age of 13 must have a parent or legal guardian register an account on the USA BMX site and consent to your profile creation. Please fill out your guardian’s email below.

Thanks for registering! Return to sign in below and sign in to your new account to continue to your purchase. An email has also been sent to with instructions on verifying your account. If you don’t see it, be sure to check your spam.

Step 2 / 6

Who is this membership for?
Are you the rider's parent or legal guardian?

You must be the rider’s legal guardian in order to purchase a membership. Please have the rider’s legal guardian create an account and purchase the membership.

Is this your first time in BMX?
Please confirm your birthday.

Birthdate not accepted.
Is this the rider's first time in BMX?
Please confirm the rider's birthday.

Birthdate not accepted.
You must be over the age of 18 to purchase a membership. Please have your parent or legal guardian create an account and purchase your membership.

Step 3 / 6

Balance Bike memberships are discounted and not considered a First Family Membership.
If your family member(s) already have a membership, enter their serial numbers for a $5 discount on your newest membership.

Step 3 / 6

Balance Bike memberships are discounted and not considered a First Family Membership.
If your family member(s) already have a membership, enter their serial numbers for a $5 discount on your newest membership.

Step 4 / 6

Skill Level
Please choose the track you would like to credit your membership to, as this helps your home track earn their ranking within the state or province.

Home Track State / Province
Home Track
Type of Membership

Step 5 / 6

Please review the waivers below carefully and submit your electronic signature to consent to them.

In order for the membership to be processed, the Sanction must receive your digital signature. By digitally signing in the box below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the waivers referenced above.

Step 6 / 6

When adding a credit card, BMX Canada members must add their card to the CAN jurisdiction for processing.


Step 6 / 6

Please confirm that all of your information is correct before completing your purchase.

If you do find a problem, click the back arrow to correct it.
Membership for
Home Track
Family Member
Membership Type
Date of Birth
Payment Due
Make a Payment
Thank you for your purchase!
An email has been sent to your inbox with information on getting started with us:

Please download membership card below.


Step 2 / 6

Please enter your Serial Number and Validation Code from your Trial Membership. Serial Number will be 8 digits and Validation Code will be 4 digits.

Step 2 / 6

Renew a membership registered under your account, or by searching for existing memberships.

Step 3 / 6

Select one of the memberships below to renew a membership.
Search for Existing Memberships

Step 3 / 6

Search for a rider by name or by serial number to renew a membership.
Please fill out both names.
View Memberships on Your Account

Step 2 / 6

Are you the rider and/or rider’s parent/legal guardian?

Step 4 / 6

Skill Level
Skill Level
Please choose the track you would like to credit your membership to, as this helps your home track earn their ranking within the state or province.

Home Track State / Province
Home Track
Balance Bike memberships are discounted and not considered a First Family Membership.
If your family member(s) already have a membership, enter their serial numbers for a $5 discount on your newest membership.
Type of Membership

Step 5 / 6

Please review the waivers below carefully and submit your electronic signature to consent to them..

In order for the membership to be processed, the Sanction must receive your digital signature. By digitally signing in the box below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the waivers referenced above.

Step 6 / 6

Please confirm that your information is correct and check out.
Membership for
Home Track
Family Member
Membership Type
Payment Due
Make a Payment
Thank you for renewing!
An email has been sent to your inbox with information on your renewal with us:

Please download membership card below.

Step 6 / 6

When adding a credit card, BMX Canada members must add their card to the CAN jurisdiction for processing.