Balance Bikes
What are balance bikes all about?
Balance bikes bikes serve the youngest members of the BMX families! Allowing 2-5 year olds to participate at the track! Balance bikes are designed specifically to help toddlers and young children learn balance and coordinator BEFORE pedaling. The simple, no-pedal design allows even the youngest children to learn to ride on two wheels, avoiding tricycle tip-overs and training wheel wobbles, and instilling considerable confidence and stellar bike handling skills.
USA BMX Strider Racing Rules:
- Rider must be between the ages of 2-5 years old
- Rider must be a USA BMX member (annual membership $30)
- Parent may assist rider on start hill
- Parent can NOT follow child onto track during the race
- Rider should be able to ride track unassisted
- Rider must complete course for a scoring position
- Two riders are needed to make a class. (If only one rider in an age class, combine with the next closest age)
- Manufactured no-pedal two wheel bike (no converted pedal bikes) – WE HAVE LOANERS AVAILABLE!
- Properly fitted helmet
- No slip on shoes or sandals (full toe coverage required)
- Long pants or short with knee pads
- Long sleeve shirt or short sleeves with elbow pads
- Gloves (recommended)